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YouTube horizontal format
Community awareness video
37 secs.
Have you heard about Long Covid? We're here to take action
Supplemental video with news investigation
60 secs.
Workers Share Horrifying Experiences Treating Fracking Wastewater
Supplemental video with news investigation
39 secs.
Montana uses poison [Rotenone] linked to Parkinson’s in waterways
Instagram, TikTok, Twitter vertical format
Supplemental video with news investigation
39 secs.
Montana rotenone project to restore westslope cutthroat trout on Ted Turner's Flying D Ranch
Supplemental video with news investigation
39 secs.
Pennsylvania injection well safety standards fail to protect water
Supplemental video with news investigation
30 secs.
Residents’ fears become reality: radioactive waste issues at large
Supplemental video with news investigation
36 secs.
Records expose lies about injection well safety
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